I believe instead of having extra marital affairs.. couples should innovate in their relationship..no
need to search for the things they want elsewhere..
I'm sure there are many things which they want to do but fear about the conditionned reflex of
their partner...
I think people who have affairs when they ae married are simply A@#$% holes...
They lack a screw here and there...
No seriously, when you get married you have to think..think hard and deep...Is this the person you want to spend the rest of your life with???
Having an affai is like some trend these days and it disgusts me...
I think couples in need of help should seek that help instead of doing stupidities...
Comminication is the key toi a successful marriage, a healthy sexual life, humour, innovation and sincerity...that's it for me...am going on 2 years married life and thought we have our ups and downs (real down sometimes..) we try to get out of difficult situations together...
Oh by d way..bcoup de calins! is very important too :)
very good job
i find your doc very interesting
continue like this
miss you
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