Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Attacks in Mumbai

This is not the future of a country. its not time to forget, but time to remind ourselves again and again that the nightmare is not over. This is not an incident thats needs to be forgotten, but one that calls for the entire country to come together, hindus and muslims united and ask the government for answers. WE DEMAND ANSWERS!! this is the result of a complete intelligence failure. why are we paying taxes if even our basic need of security can not be met? how can 40 terrorists take over all of mumbai?? HOW?? why do brave men lose their lives in dozens, when such an act could have been prevented. i sincerely urge everyone to stand up and speak. DONT LET IT PASS!! if you do, it will come back to haunt us again. use ur power as a citizen of this country to change it.



Antony Lodoïska said...

Ceux qui ignorent l'histoire sont condamnés à la voir se répéter.

med889 said...

I believe you are right!