Monday, December 15, 2008


You can close your eyes to things which you don't want to see...but you can't close your heart to things which you don't want to feel...


Reploid said...

No you can't close your heart to things which you don't want to feel. but you can control it. but you will always feel what you have to feel.

med889 said...

If we don't wanna feel bad can't we do something?..I believe we cannot because what will happen will happen whatever you do..this is the tragedy.

Anonymous said...

You can close ur eyes on things u dont wanna c but u still c it wiz ur mind and zats agonising and even more when sentimentally affected by it. the solution is meditation...once u master this most of the problems will be solved....but as goes the saying..." Oh god give me serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change those I can and the wisdom to understand the difference ....