Thursday, December 11, 2008


Every action has a reaction, this is ok but..our past action has a role to play in our present life..this triggers opinions!!


Reploid said...

Karma police...

Antony Lodoïska said...

Samsara, the question of what is good and what is bad is contextual to one’s point of view.

Who did good things and who did the bad things?

How do we know it was good or bad, what is the reference?

Can we live without actions? If actions cannot be avoided, can we be held responsible for the reactions?

Anonymous said...

KARMA...This according to hidu scriptures.Either u believe or you dont.But it has proved many times that reincarnation exists.Heard of a 4-yr old reciting the Bhagwat geeta. Of Shirdi & Parthi Sai Baba.Some babies are born blind or difformed...what are they paying for.I firmly believe in the laws of Karma....sometimes we do think that we are reaping the good deeds of our past life.........

med889 said...

Karma? Your past actions! In hindu scriptures we do believe that Karma exists. It is your past actions which is contributing to your present life. But how far? People in Gaza today are threatened, people are killed, a 7 month baby is killed,his eyes are barely can we say that the baby's actions were so bad that today he got such a death in an early stage. Many people do not believe in Karma, they think whatever bad is happening today is the incomprehension of themselves. Israel is attacking without any pity or sympathy.If we go back in the past then we would probably say that whatever is happening today had to happened! Land has been snatched from them they are rebellious nothing else they have raised theirs voices however no one heard so they have adopted a different mean to tell others that they still disagree and want justice thought the means they have taken up is not appropriate(fighting).

If at that time the decision was not wrong then who are we to tell them that now the decision is wrong? They will not listen because at that time it was we who did not listen!!

Anonymous said...

What bad did i do in my previous life to be writing something here...Only Kidding!

Karma is the only real thing that counts in pre-birth and after life. What we accumulate is what will determine our future lives.

So do good guy...ok?

Antony Lodoïska said...

Dear Anonymous,

The idea of accumulation as some sort of account in the Karma bank is wrong.

Nothing is eternal, what you thing you have or don't have is temporary and illusory.

You do not carry anything with you as you does not continue.

Bad and good deeds are not your possession.