Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hardest Choice?

The hardest choice involves letting go of someone you adore.


Anonymous said...

oh this is true.i still remember i had to choose between two person and finally i had to let go of the one i adore just because my family but today i regret a bit sometimes i cry when i recall those happy moments i know those moments will never return i should not have done that but no other choices left at that was my hardest choice.

Anonymous said...

If you adore a person then no matter what happen you should not sacrifice the person for something else.So there is no real hardest choice.

Anonymous said...

It is one of the hardest choice in life.Hopefully not everyone comes accross this choice else the world would have been a rebel.

Anonymous said...

I had to leave my husband for my child this is the hardest choice in my life.I love both very much.They were my life but today with the departure of my husband i feel part of my life has no meaning at all so all because of that hardest choice.

Me and my husband were facing many problems.It was affecting my child and i didnot want that i told him he is incomprehensive and one day everything went so ups and downs that i decided to let go my husband for my child.

Anonymous said...

I let him go and today I regret.I was faulty.I wish he forgives me.

Anonymous said...

This is life.You have to be detached from everything material.

Anonymous said...

It is sad but it is the bitter truth of life.Sometimes you have to sacrifice one for something else.

Anonymous said...

if you adore a person then what fucking hardest choice you are saying?

Anonymous said...

You are right and I think Dan is wrong.He has got no right to write like this. It shows immaturity from his side.I'm sorry Dan but it is like this and I have to say it.

There is a hardest choice in the life of everyone and this is the truth which no one can change.

Anonymous said...

This is the most twisting part in life when you have to choose.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree.

Anonymous said...

If you let a person you adore go then you are selfish.Because you are sacrificing that person for another thing so I don't agree with that.

Anonymous said...

It will be the hardest choice if I let go this blog which I don't want to do.

Anonymous said...

I let go a gorgeous dress which was very very expensive but very very trendy for a pair of shoes which my dad forced me to take :-(

Anonymous said...

Amira we are talking about letting go a PERSON you adore and NOT a dress for god's sake!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My dress is more important.So don't interfere.

Anonymous said...

Do you value a person for a dress?

Anonymous said...

No but I was telling what i had experience with my dress and no need to lecture me.

Anonymous said...

It is not a question of 'letting go a dress' but a question of 'letting go a PERSON you adore so read the question well before writting nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Instead of telling me what to do, don't you have any interesting thing to do? It will be better. Stop peeping and correcting people on someone's website.

Anonymous said...

Ok but i want to tell you that your opinion is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

As if yours was the best around..hey fuck off with this mentality of judging people.It is democracy here so everyone has the right to express themselves.

Anonymous said...

This is the main problem with democracy..if you allow people to express themselves they start talking rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Like you.

Anonymous said...

This is how people fail in their exam when a question is set they don't read it properly and start beating around the bush like you!

Anonymous said...

Exactly!!Did you read the question before answering the first time????NO but you commented on my comment which is very stupid on your side.Grow up.And if you don't want to fail in your exam so start correcting yourself right here.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Oh so typical of you guys.Whenever you see you are losing sense you start saying rude words.Atleast you realise that you are wrong!!!

Anonymous said...

Attachment means a bond or tie between an individual and an attachment figure. Between two adults, such bonds may be reciprocal and mutual.So If there is attachment then obviously there will be a hardest choice.

Anonymous said...

I also believe it is because of an attachment with the person you adore and also i would like to make it clear here that we are talking about a person you adore then obviously there will be attachments. How can you adore someone without any type of attachments? This is a contradiction here and also a subject for discussion. Can we adore a person without having any attachment with the person?

My question is for the beautiful lady who wrote this post.

med889 said...

Thank you everybody for your Opinions. I am very happy for the interactions we are having in this blog.

Now coming to the question of Charles. Then Obviously It is because of an attachment with a person you adore which makes the situation becomes the hardest one.

If you don't have any feelings for the person then no question of hardest choice will apply so Firstly:
What is called a hardest choice?
Ans: It is when you do not want something good to escape your hands and you have to choose between things which are close to your life.

Someone you adore?
Ans: You have to know that many feelings are associated with that person you adore. You love him,you care for him,you want his welfare,and many other good feelings so all these feelings bind you with that person and it is here that attachment starts taking roots.

I do have some attachments in my relationship which I value a lot. And I believe it is these attachments which bring us still together.It is as if you have toiled hard to build something and at last you have to sacrifice that thing so obviously it will be a difficult choice.

I would also add something which is not directly related to the question. If you have chosen a person in your life then atleast respect that choice you made. It is not someone else who will tell you what you should do with your relationship with that person.

If you are not sure about a plot then don't take too much time to build a building. You wil be the loser.

I was sure about my plot that's why I have started constructing my building. It will take time but atleast i respect my choice and value the construction.

Do the same and you are bound to construct your own building an a solid ground.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Your plot is Reploid? ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written with some excellent examples. I appreciate it a lot. It is such an indepth insight. Thanks for replying instantly. Seems that you give your blog a lot of importance which is very good. I'm a fan of your blog and your thoughts now.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine someone is letting go the person he/she adores on Valentine's day? How sad it is :(

Anonymous said...

I cannot even imagine that. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

It is for people who have imaginations not like you.

Anonymous said...

Ok then only you can imagine that because we are all human beings here.

Anonymous said...

I Don't think so. You should be practical in life.If there is something bad happening then I think it brings something good too so accept life as it is.You will suffer a bit but then suffering is part of life always remember.

Anonymous said...

Practical is good but you should not sacrifice important things for the sake of practicability. So there are things which i think should not be handle being practical but emotional too.A bit of emotional in oneself is not too much asking.Better be emotional to save something than being practical and lose everything.

Anonymous said...

To let go or not depends on a person sole will.So we are no one to interfere in a person's decision.If he/she prefer letting go then it is his/her problem.He/she will suffer. But remember to always think twice or thrice before taking a very important decision in life because once taken nothing can be done later.

Anonymous said...

Especially on the Valentine's Day. So I prefered to listen to my heart and let him stay.

Anonymous said...

First of all let me point out how saddening it is that some people quarreling on this blog even using foul language.
Coming to the point:

1.Can there be a situation that you adore someone very much but that person keeps hurting you.You do have a choice however painful to let that person go or not! Believe me its not so easy.
2.You adore someone very much but you know you are hurting that person constantly.You can do nothing for him/her.You have no choice but let go....its the hard but right one.

Anonymous said...

It's a big sign of weakness when people are depending on their partner for their happiness
"True happiness comes from inside. A relationship is just the icing on the cake - it's not the whole damn meal!!"

Anonymous said...

Ya this is true..Sometime u dnt wanna let go..I hang on to sme1 who died 4 five years N didnt want to let go..I thght it was not faithful..Bt finally I learn that I had 2 let go to B able to move on..though it hurts, but I had to do it..