Homosexuality refers to sexual behavior or attraction between people of the same sex or to homosexual orientation . As a sexual orientation , homosexuality refers to "having sexual and romantic attraction primarily or exclusively to members of one’s own sex"
Many lesbians and gay men form durable relationships. For example, survey data indicate that between 18% and 28% of gay couples and between 8% and 21% of lesbian couples in the U.S. have lived together 10 or more years.
In many cultures, homosexual people are frequently subject to prejudice and discrimination. Like many other minority groups that are the objects of prejudice, they are also subject to stereotyping. Gay men are seen as effeminate and fashionable, often identified with a lisp or a female-like tone and lilt.
Research suggests they develop enduring romantic relationships. Gay men are also often alleged as having pedophilic tendencies and more likely to commit child sexual abuse than the heterosexual male population, a view rejected by mainstream psychiatric groups and contradicted by research.
Claims that there is scientific evidence to support an association between being gay and being a pedophile are based on misuses of those terms and misrepresentation of the actual evidence. Lesbians are seen as butch, and sometimes "man-haters" or radical feminists.
In these sixteen countries, Homosexuality is punishable by either Death or Life Imprisonment.
Afghanistan - Death Penalty
Pakistan - Life Imprisonment
Uganda - Life Imprisonment
Somalia - Death Penalty
India - Life Imprisonment
Iran - Death Penalty
Sierra Leone - Life Imprisonment
Myanmar - Life Imprisonment
Sudan - Death Penalty
Yemen - Death Penalty
Bangladesh - Life Imprisonment
Nigeria - Death Penalty
Mauritania - Death Penalty
Saudi Arabia - Death Penalty
Qatar - Death Penalty
United Arab Emirates - Death Penalty
Afghanistan - Death Penalty
Pakistan - Life Imprisonment
Uganda - Life Imprisonment
Somalia - Death Penalty
India - Life Imprisonment
Iran - Death Penalty
Sierra Leone - Life Imprisonment
Myanmar - Life Imprisonment
Sudan - Death Penalty
Yemen - Death Penalty
Bangladesh - Life Imprisonment
Nigeria - Death Penalty
Mauritania - Death Penalty
Saudi Arabia - Death Penalty
Qatar - Death Penalty
United Arab Emirates - Death Penalty
The Christian Bible and the Homosexual:
The Bible does not speak of gays. Nor does it speak of the earth orbiting the sun. Sexual identity was not a concept of biblical times.
It speaks of homosexual acts only when they are part of sacred prostitution, idolatry, promiscuity, seducing children, rape, or violating hospitality. It condemns all such acts, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or having nothing to do with sex.
Of the thousands and hundreds of words, pages, stories, laws, and commandments in the Bible, very few deal with homosexual acts.
It speaks of homosexual acts only when they are part of sacred prostitution, idolatry, promiscuity, seducing children, rape, or violating hospitality. It condemns all such acts, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or having nothing to do with sex.
Of the thousands and hundreds of words, pages, stories, laws, and commandments in the Bible, very few deal with homosexual acts.
Dr. Neil Whitehead is a research scientist and biochemist from New Zealand and is his wife Briar Whitehead is a writer. Dr. Whitehead coauthored a book with with his wife entitled My Genes Made Me Do it - a scientific look at sexual orientation which argues that there is no genetic determinism in regards to homosexuality (homosexuals are "not born that way") and that there is abundant documentation that individuals are able to leave homosexuality and become heterosexuals.
I'm a gay and I'm subject to many humiliations everyday. Do you think i deserve this? I love the way i am and i'm very happy so a request to people over there please accept the way we are and don't harass us like this.
Homosexuals and heterosexuals both were madee by god.well there may be exceptions where some people are hetero by choice.....excepting these handfull, we shoudnt look down upon these creatures of god but accept them in society and for the least let them live their life......
Commitment distinguishes a fragile relationship from a strong one.
"If you want your relationships to last you must be committed to them, and that commitment will be reflected in your thoughts and actions.. "
Always, appreciate your partner as a unique and special individual.
"The way to lead a happy life."
I regret to see all those countries who give either death penalty or life imprisonment to homosexuals. Why can't we live like everybody in this earth? Have we commited such a big sin in loving someone like us. It is our life we can choose anybody.This is democracy and where are human rights when we are given death penalty or life imprisonment??? They also do not support us so what is the use of having Human Rights in this filthy world where human being are not given his freedom?And they talk about freedom in one of their articles.
I despised all those who wants to eradicate us. We are human beings like you so why this discrimination?
I agree with Donald totally. Live and let live..probably you have heard of this many times then why people are not letting us live our life as we want? We want justice. Is it too much asking? Let us live as we are.Humanity is the greatest and biggest religion. What is the use in believing in a religion where we people are not allowed to pray? I don't believe in all these because I want to live with my partner.Yes I am a gay so what??? Will you kill me? How many will you kill? Will religion kill us? Why do you want to kill when you can just ignore us and let us live peacefully as you people.!
I believe these people are insane i mean how can you love someone the same sex as you! It is ridiculous. Lesbians and gays surely have some problems inside theirs brain. God damn can you fuck someone same as you? Yes they can but..well they are insane.
We can fuck you too. It is up to you to agree or not! But we are more attracted to people like us.WE get more pleasures so keep your ass for anybody we don't care atleast when we are not caring a damn for you then what the motherfucking things you are saying.
If they form durable couples as your research is saying then who are we to break their unions?
The Roman Catholic Church says while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are.
It opposes gay marriage and, in October, one leading Vatican official described homosexuality as "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound".There are still so many instances of people being killed around the world, including in western society, purely and simply because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity.As always, this sort of religious homophobia will be an alibi for all those who would do gay people harm.
Gay and Lesbian Christian groups accused the Pope of spreading fear after he said that "saving" humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is as important as saving the rainforests.Pope should be killed.
What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? The general public appears to be confused on the issue. According to the Barna Research Group 53% of Americans believe the Bible specifically condemns homosexuality, while 27% of Americans do not think the Bible specifically condemns homosexuality, and 20% do not know
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." (NASB)
"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them." (NASB)
So let me grapple with this concept for a moment. Let us agree that homosexuals are sinners, as stated in the bible. Didn't Jesus keep company with sinners? In Chapter 2 of Mark he sits down to eat with sinners and tax collectors, and he says "They that are well have no need of a physician, but they that are sick. For I came not to call the just, but sinners." (2:17) Here it seems to me that Jesus, the son, incarnation, whatever he may be, of God does not himself condemn these sinners. He doesn't strike down justice upon them, but sits beside them, and breaks bread with them.
I'm sorry if this is sounding preachy, but stay with me please, this is all going to tie back to the Bible
Coming again to the Bible...the Bible was written by man, sure maybe inspired by God, but no one can deny that it was not written by man. Man, at the time the Bible was written, knew full well that homosexuals were a danger to the needs of a growing and expanding society. Perhaps God, if he was narrating this part, would have said so, and he would have been right I guess.
"He created Eve, so Adam could love, and be loved. … With homosexuals, there are two men, or two women, who share the same love, but don't have the ability to procreate. They have the companionship, but do not further populate the earth." This statement implies that you believe a sexual relationship is moral if it is based on love. Homosexual sex is morally acceptable because it is between two people who love one another. Using that line of argumentation leads us to a couple of conclusions. Since love is different than lust/infatuation, the former being a commitment to another person for their growth and benefit, using love as the litmus test of moral relationships rules out having homosexual relations with those to whom one has not yet willed to establish a life-commitment with. This may not apply to you, but the homosexual community at large openly confesses their own sexual promiscuity. That kind of sexual activity would be immoral according to your definition of moral sexual relationships.
homosexuality is morally good because it controls population.things that control population are morally good.
Homosexuals should be able to marry if they love one another.
To say homosexual relationships are not equal to heterosexual relationships is to make a qualitative distinction between the relationships, not a judgment concerning the value of homosexuals' humanity. The two types of relationships are simply different in both nature and function. Heterosexual relationships are based on procreation, whereas homosexual relationships are not. Heterosexuals can procreate, thus perpetuating society, but homosexual relationships cannot (at least not naturally). Relationships that initiate families are different from any other type of relationship and should be treated as such. Marriage is a natural institution. There are clear and natural reasons for it, which is why society at large has sought to protect and perpetuate it.
They are people like us so I have a request to all the people like ema..accept these people as they are instead of trying to change them. We are human being so do something good out of humanity.
Good subject Medha.
Well, homosexuals are human like anybody on this planet. We cannot condemn them for their choice to be homosexual. They do not have to ask you the permission for chosing how they want to be. Let them live and live your life. But i would like to add that I have been approached by homosexuals a few times in my life. so, i'm going to ask you something. I'm not homosexual, i can be your friend, i'm not shy and it does not freak me out to shake hands with you, keep an interesting conversation going or walk with you anywhere but please don't chase me or try to convince me to sleep with you.
Please can I have your contact details I think it is the 3rd or 4th time I'm asking!
They are people like us so I don't think we should condemn them for their difference or their choices. There got their right to to whatever they want.
I know what I should do in life and I don't appreciate when someone comes infront and start telling me what I should do SO I don't like when people interfere in the lives of other people. Stop discriminating people. Leave them as they are. They are free to choose whatever they want in life.Stop being hypocrite and selfish it will lead you nowhere.Open your eyes to see we are in one world we need different people to make this one world instead of fighting with each other help find a solution for a better world. Grow up people.
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