Everyone will have their share of discouragement at some point in their lifetime.
Discouragement happens in all areas of life. An employee puts in his best to ensure his department achieves success, only to get a damaging response instead of a good appraisal from his superior. A woman’s marriage dreams end when her husband is unfaithful. She truly feels the pangs of discouragement. A couple suffers their second miscarriage while trying to create a family. These people all deal with discouragement differently, but some may become so discouraged, so distressed and as a result may attempt to take their own lives.
The root word of discouragement is courage so it should only make sense that the feelings associated with failure and rejection often try to deal a blow to your inner source of courage. Unfortunately, these emotions can cripple you to the point where you avoid taking small risks that have huge potential rewards.Life is full of failures, rejection and more than a fair share of discouragement. I believe that the difference in how persistent people are often comes down to how they handle the discouragement that comes from the same situation. While some people can immediately brush themselves off, others can enter a negative cycle of thoughts that persists for weeks, months or even years.
"Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. "Dale Carnegie
"Defeat should never be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus." Bishop Robert South