Should human beings be allowed to use other animals as objects of sport and race, circus, zoo...
There are too much trafficking nowadays. The question is whether Fashion/entertainment are more essential or the lives of these animals!!!
No, horse race should be illegal. coz money rules everything in this game and there is a lack of consideration for the animal, which is exploited, the animals are forced to run long distances and are beaten to win the game. But in circus or zoo i don't think they mistreat animals.
I dont c any objection.So long the animals are well treated even after they pass their best, I dont find any reason why these practces should be forbidden. Just as a dog will always return to its master even it is kicked, a horse will always enjoy races even if it is whipped....Ever seen a horse smile after winning a race?....I am not a hypocrite.I enjoy eating meat \, so why show sympathy to animals which are being exploited for the joy of children and every one...why not? You know liberty is priceless, but do you know how many wild animals free in the wildlife are threatened of extinction due to shortage of food!!!So where's the problem to run a 1 minute race when you are so well treated or jump a few hedges and be applauded and be treated like a king afterwards....
I agree that if the horses are well treated then what it is the problem in horse racing. It shall not be illegal if the animals are given a well conditionned life.
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