Pornography or porn is the
explicit depiction of sexual subject matter with the sole intention of sexually exciting the viewer.

Pornography industry, in an “almost” not safe for work format. It is staggering how much actual money flows through porn and how many peop
le are involved in the industry:

89% of porn is created in the U.S.
$2.84 billion in revenue was generated from U.S. porn sites in 2006
72% of porn viewers are men
260 new porn sites go online daily
The pornography industry is larger than the revenues of the top technology companies combined: Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple
The sole intention of pornography is not exciting the viewer but to take money from the viewer, the more the viewer gets addicted the more he will spend money on that. I don't agree that porn is bad at 100%. Clean porn, of soft-erotic movies can be enjoyed in a couple or alone. It's depends on your mood and the need to do it in a couple. For example you can get good sex positions from a soft-erotic movie. But I think here the matter is that the Porn Industry is making a lot of money and is earning more than google, well, you can make the good or bad out of porn.
I was stunned during my research. I found that the pornagraphic industry's revenu is more than that of Google, Apple, Microsoft and other very expanded industries. I never imagined it will be so. Porn whether soft or hard i personally find it legal as far as it is done legally. However i came across many pornographic sites where I was a bit puzzled to find children prostitution under very renowned sites. It is a site for sick and disgusting people over there. I wonder what is UNESCO, ONU, UN ect doing???? These children are exploited damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE OPEN YOUR EYES.
Porn is a very big industry that has gained access to a whole lot more people than before with the advent of the Internet. Moral or not is a matter of opinion - or should I say "taste"...but child pornography is definitely out of the question.
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