I believe taking care of someone too much is not good. Sometimes you forget that you got a life for yourself and need to take care of that too...

We should always expect the unexpected. We expect understanding, maturity, responsibility and consideration from the other partner but how discouraged we are when all these are not acquired...So if we care for a person why do we wait for that person to care for us...
However being human we have the tendency to wait for the better..Today I have realised that instead of waiting for the better I should move with my life, move without expecting something, move ahead with my sole 'Me', move alone...
And if that person wants to walk with you then don't look behind but look beside and if the person is not found then continue to walk without any regret and if that person is found beside you then don't haste in holding hands..be brave to walk alone..who knows you might get down the bus...
Believing you are right does not mean that the other person thinks the same. So controversy will always exist. Never count on that person..

We should always expect the unexpected. We expect understanding, maturity, responsibility and consideration from the other partner but how discouraged we are when all these are not acquired...So if we care for a person why do we wait for that person to care for us...
However being human we have the tendency to wait for the better..Today I have realised that instead of waiting for the better I should move with my life, move without expecting something, move ahead with my sole 'Me', move alone...
And if that person wants to walk with you then don't look behind but look beside and if the person is not found then continue to walk without any regret and if that person is found beside you then don't haste in holding hands..be brave to walk alone..who knows you might get down the bus...
Believing you are right does not mean that the other person thinks the same. So controversy will always exist. Never count on that person..
You are right. We should never expect something from the other partner. Because most often it is we who are discouraged.
I used to care a lot for my girlfriend. But the day she showed me that she does not care for my feelings then i was totally down. I kept on thinking that i gave so much consideration to her then how come she does things which i become very annoyed. She behave as if whatever she was doing was right. But take a break..don't we have the right to be angry, jealous or affectionate. Fuck off with feelings now..and take my words if ever your partner is discouraging you then fuck with him too. Atleast they should understand that we are human beings too.
If we are with someone then we have the right to expect things in return. When you accept a person in your life then you become a part to the other's life.It should be siimilar to the other too.
Two people in a couple cannot be the same else it will not function.
I'm someone who like to be flattered by my husband but the latter never says i'm beautiful or the dress i'm wearing is gorgeous. And when someone in the party flatter me then you must see his face. He becomes angry. And shout at me.
When I said he is jealous he completely disagree. But can't he understand that i will be very very happy if one day he tells me that i'm looking beautiful.
It is indeed discouraging. I understand you. Don't expect from him dear. Move ahead. All my best wishes for you.
No matter how much we will do for our partner they will kick their ass to our feelings. Leave him. You will be happier.
In every couple there are problems so it is obvious to have such feelings. Instead of saying all these why don't you mention the happy moments spent with him? You will feel lighter and much better.
They do things which we find strange but then stop caring too much for him. The day he will notice that He will regret. Make him realise that you are unhappy with certain things and the rest leave to him. If he behave as if nothing has happened then pissed off with him but if he shows that he has consideration for you then he is the one for you.
Stop caring too much for him. Problem solved. And yeah if he does things which shows that he has no consideration for you then don't consider any feelings for him.
By the way you write too beautifully..'get down the bus' it is so powerful the whole content.
Never count on that person...
Expect from them and they will push you in hell
Views are appreciated and your opinions will surely matter.
Medha is my girlfriend, and i disagree with some contents of this post and some of your points of view. I care for you as much as you do care for me, sometimes I do not show it, but you should noticed the times i'm with you, I give all my attention to you. I can spend a whole day with you without thinking of anything else. My life is not complicated, as you know. but i always got something to do that keeps me busy all the time. But remember Medha, there's nothing more important than you in every thing I do. I agree you take so much care of me and sometimes I just don't give it in return. I'm walking with you all the time, in the rain or sun. You should not let your feelings get affected when you see a lack of consideration on my part. Cause whatever I did, whatever I said I will always love you.
Leave him. Problem solved. He will again do the same thing.Men are like that. They realise only once.They think Sorry is a great remedy but if you continue with him then believe me he will again dissapoint you in the future.
You seem to be a great little lady so trust yourself and don't care too much for him.
Stop taking care of him. Let him realise. If he is busy then you got the right to be busy too.
Don't wait but move with your life.I'm sure you got many things to do so the time you were giving him now give yourself the time. It is precious so don't waste it on someone who does not care for it.
Give him a second chance. Perhaps you will not regret. Well I hope so.
I love your blog.
For all those who are judging me, I know what I worth, and if i'm busy sometimes, that's my life and I cope with it. I'm giving more attention to medha. And this is my choice. And you ladies I'm sure you agree on the fact that if a man is always here, and always complimenting you all day long, this will bore you. So please don't tell me you want a man, who is exagerating attention,over-taking care of you and pursuing you all the time like a flower-power man, always approving everything you say. This won't make you feel attraction for this man. Attraction isn't a choice. I'm with her coz I want to. I'm never losing her cause I know how to make her feel great and feel attraction for me and not only affection. I'm proud of it.
I think your boyfriend is taking himself for a great guy.
He loves you.
Are you people trying to patch up in a blog? Look at each other in the eyes..the love will automatically clear off all misunderstandings.
Poor guy! But he should understand that taking care of someone only once is not enough. If you love the girl you should make her feel that you are with her and you understand her fully..this is more important. Girls love when they are taken care of. A gift shall help you to arrange things. Coz girls love gifts too..
Go to a romantic candlenight dinner,hold her hand, tell her what you have in your heart and a kiss would be so perfect.
It's high time you show your love for her. Girls wait but not everytime and as far as i can see this girl will not wait for you if you take too much time. Take my words.
She seems to be a wonderful person so don't let your chance slip in your hands man..who knows you might not get someone like her in your life so wake up and act.
Its now or never. If she accepts your kiss now then you are lucky but if she turn her back to you then you have lost Something great in your life..
A love story is always good but if there is a happy ending it is BEST.
I appreciate the last five comments. sincerely thanks. I think too it's high time for me to show her more of my feelings and give more attention. thanks guys. Somebody said that i'm taking myself for a great guy. Yes i'm a great guy. how can you make someone feel great if you don't feel great about yourself. We're all great, we should be proud of what we are. Thx guys
Ya, you are right..You should not depend on anyone..And most important don't keep expectation from others..God has send us alone, so we better learn to walk alone..This way you won't get hurt..
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